Monday 6 October 2014

The Dark Sky of Earth

Hello, everybody. I am the dark sky.

Looking under me, the lands seem kind of lonely. Oh, hey, that little girl sitting on a bench over there seems kind of cool. Okay, I shall say hello to her, then.

I blew wind from my mouth, rustling the trees that were beside her at that moment. She didn't seem to feel startled at all. In fact, she kept staring at the rocks under her feet. I wonder why she wasn't staring at me, because, come on, rocks can never beat my awesomeness.

But she kept staring at the rocks, and then, she started mumbling...

Oh, rocks. I don't know what to feel. I shall bathe you with my teardrops, my teardrops of fear. I fear of never meeting my family again. My mother, is she worrying about me? My father, is he looking for me? My brother... is he thinking about me? I cannot help but wonder, oh, rocks.

I tried to hold my tears for I did not want to wet the little girl. As the dark sky of earth, I know where the family of this little girl is because they are visible to me. They are looking for her, at the other side of the creek of these very lands, and the girl is on the other side.

But, hm. How should I notify this girl on her family's whereabouts? You know that skies and humans don't speak the same language. What's that? Use symbols? Ohhh, riiiiight.

I happen to know a squad of cheer-stars looming around my area. I call out to them.

"What seems to be the problem, dark sky?" Asked the tiniest star.

I explained that the girl under there needs to know that her family is waiting for her at the other side of the creek. I need them to form some kind of symbol for her to follow, to lead her to her family.

"What's in it for us?" The sky with the brightest twinkle asked.

Wait, what? Since when did helping individuals out involve in getting something in return? I always thought that helping other individuals is a pleasure of its own. I explained that to Little Miss Brightie.

"Don't you know that it's all the rage, right now?" she sneered, "of course, we need to get something in return of helping you, darkie."

The least that I need right now is a debate with Little Miss Brightie. So, I had a deal with her. If she agreed to help out with her cheer-star squad in forming an arrow altogether, I will place her in the best place that will allow her to be seen by everyone on the lands.

"That's a great share. Thanks, darkie." she said, with a dazzling smile.

Off they went, with a hop and a twinkle, forming an arrow that points toward the other side of the creek. The rocks played part here, too, they threw themselves to the little girl, making her aware of the arrow that has been formed above her head.

With her innocence, she followed the sense that suddenly arouse inside of her that she needed to follow the arrow. She indeed did so, through the patches of grass, through the cool creek, and, finally embracing the hands of her family.

Oh, rocks. Here I am not over you anymore. The bath that you were to take did not happen, nor will it. I am happy to be with the smiles of my family again. The little girl mumbled again, as she was carried on the back of her brother's back.

I acknowledged the moment with joy. And so did Brightie, for she got her dazzling spot anyway.

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