Further Knowledge

Hi there, visitor of blog!
I hope you're enjoying your stay here. I know I write very weirdly, and sometimes my posts don't make sense, but, I guess that's just me. (For the moment). (I am always trying to renew myself).

My name is Virta (read as veer-tah).

I take interest in science, art, writing, and photography. Science because it explains occurring events that surround us. Art because it's beautiful and it tells a message. Writing because I get to have a voice through it. Photography because I get to capture everything visible.

The posts that I write here are mostly at random. So, prepare! Anything can pop out at random.

The reason why I made this blog is because I want to write. I want to leave tracks in this world, because who knows? I may leave the next minute.

That's all that I've got to say. Thank you for stopping by and wanting to have further knowledge about me.

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